Who Rota-Therapie helps
In principle, Rota therapy can be offered at any age and for a wide variety of stresses. In individual sessions, the procedure is discussed and guided with an individual exercise program and the adapted daily routine, i.e. parents, relatives, or patients themselves can learn the Rota principles and apply them daily at home. It is also perfectly suitable as prophylaxis.
With infants it is practiced on the lap, with children and adults on the floor or sometimes in bed, there is even a sleeping position that has a positive effect on our central nervous system.
The lowest common denominator is the tonus problem, on which Rota Therapy has a good influence. This centrally controlled basis of body tension is not optimally regulated in many clinical pictures.
An Example
A toddler overstretches his head during sleep, this picture is also seen during breastfeeding and lifting. The child is difficult to calm down and has difficulties in imitation and some movement transitions, e.g. he slides on his knees instead of crawling and appears clumsy in some areas (does not support himself).
With the rotational movements on the lap and adapted positioning during sleep, a reflex pattern with hyperextended neck is not constantly triggered, the child is strengthened in the center of the body and in the rotations, this influences head control. Gradually the eyes can be stabilized more, a directed eye contact and imitations become possible. This is an important prerequisite for overcoming obstacles and developing eye-hand coordination.
Fields of application of the Rota-Therapie
Central coordination disorder, premature babies, children at risk, writing babies, sucking and breastfeeding problems, developmental delays, genetic peculiarities (Down syndrome,… ), autism, perception disorders, concentration and learning disorders, AD(H)S, dyslexia and dyscalculia, neurodermatitis, scoliosis and spinal disorders, hip dysplasia and dislocation, foot deformities, neurological disease patterns (Parkinson’s, MS, stroke,…), spastic threat and/or disability,. .. and many more.
Feel free to ask for an appointment with the Rota-Therapist in your area.