Training for Rota prophylaxis users

For the training to become a Rota-Prophylaxis-user the following are admitted: Pedagogues of all kinds, mototherapists, midwives, educators, early interventionists, health and nursing staff, psychologists, cranio practitioners, podo etiologists, therapeutic masseurs, breastfeeding and babywearing counselors, family helpers, caregivers, daycare parents and related professions.

Many developmental abnormalities can be traced to persistent reflexes and weaknesses in tone regulation. The neurophysiological principles of Rota Therapy address these basic skills in sensorimotor development. As an everyday concept, special consideration is given to handling and sitting, movement in general, in addition to easily implemented exercises. In this everyday area a child can be supported in its development. Even if a child does not primarily indicate a need for therapy, the impulses of the Rota Concept have a positive influence on basic body tension and subsequently on motor skills, as well as on perception, concentration and attention, cooperation, and behavior in the group.


Contents of the basic course

  • Physiological development of the infant
  • Significance of so-called early childhood reflexes for the development of tone and erection in the infant up to adulthood
  • Handling in theory and practice
  • Self-experience
  • Everyday activities according to the Rota Therapy concept
  • Mouth exercise as a tonus regulating measure

The seminars enable the Rota prophylaxis application in your individual profession


Advanced infant course

Building on the Rota prophylaxis basic course, an infant course is possible.

Many abnormalities in development can be traced back to early childhood reflexes and weaknesses in tone regulation. These are sometimes already apparent intrauterine, or immediately after birth. Especially in the case of writing babies or premature babies, tone regulation and thus relief can take place through targeted handling and everyday care, as well as through simple lap exercises. The parents’ tone can also be taken into account prophylactically in various positions. Practical tips complement the daily handling of infants and in parent counseling.


Contents of the Rota prophylaxis application infant course (3 days)

  • Pointing out parameters for the physiological tonus and erection development of the infant
  • Importance of so-called early infant reflexes
  • Everyday life and work organization in dealing with infants
  • Handling of the newborn (carrying, feeding situation, breastfeeding, changing diapers on the lap,…)
  • Positioning possibilities (also for premature babies)
  • the prone position on the lap
  • the importance of the mouth in feeding, sucking and swallowing difficulties
  • Illustration by pictures, videos and patient examples.

In addition, an Infant Refresher Course is offered, intended as a refresher day for Rota Prophylaxis Infant Application.

Course fees (may vary slightly depending on the training center): approx. 480 Euro
Infant refresher course: 335 Euro
Infant Refresher: 135 Euro


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